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Join this intimate space to hold you in motherhood

If you are longing for deeper connections and to lessen loneliness, join me to cultivate intimacy on this journey of motherhood.

Hi, I’m Emma, if you are new, welcome. I’m a mother, writer, and artist. I have studied trauma, therapeutic tools, and mindfulness. I am moved by honesty, reflection, slow living, and a deep connection to the earth. I hold space for mothers to share their truths and be in their experiences. If you enjoyed this, please do subscribe and join us on this.

I am a lover of timing, seasons, and cyclical energy. I have been sitting with many ideas, having many conversations, and figuring out what my next steps are because I felt something was asking to be created. And when things start to line up with the summer solstice, I became very excited because I launch Being in Motherhood 6 months ago on the winter solstice.

I am honored to create and open up a paid (membership) space. In all honesty, I am not sure what to call it because most words feel too business-y or stiff. Behind the pay wall will live more space for intimacy and connection…with me, other mother’s and with yourself.

There will be video conversations between other mothers and I. I hesitate to call it a podcast because it will be another mother and I sitting down drinking coffee or tea and talking about motherhood, life, and how we honor our own desires on this path.

It is the furthest thing from other podcasts. I always felt I had to have a pitch and a niche to go on someone else’s podcast. This is going to be a space where your only requirement to come chat is to be a mother. If you want to come chat with me, let me know in the comments.

There will be posts dedicated to your reflection and self-nourishment. These posts will ask you to carve out a bit of time to take care of yourself and reflect. These posts will have prompts and a practice or two to help you slow down, find your feet on the ground, and connect with yourself. I already have ideas brewing for the first one around welcoming in the summer energy.

There will be community threads to prompt discussion and connection. I want this paid space to reflect the desire most mothers feel for deeper connections in their lives. This will be a space where we can share where we are at, ask questions of other mothers, and connect with each other.

This paid space is $6 a month or $50 for the year. If you want to join, but finances are an issue, please reach out to me. I do not want anyone to be unable to join because of money.

I am excited about what is to come for Being in Motherhood. I shared a bit of these sentiments in the video, and I will write them again here.

Thank you for all for making this space what it is. Thank you for holding me as I journey through different iterations of it. Thank you for showing up, reading, writing your words, and supporting one another.

Love, Emma

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