Mar 20Liked by Ellie Nova, Emma Del Rey

Wow I found Ellie’s account and unspoken words about motherhood so powerful in their vulnerability. Thank you Ellie for speaking to all of these things. It is SO hard, the hardest work I have ever done and yes it is so unseen and of little value in society. Instead value is placed on getting ‘back to normal’ and on external/career-driven achievements. Anyway yes it feels hard because it is hard and we are expected to mother in a way that we were never supposed to (often alone with children for much of the time) xx

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Mar 22Liked by Ellie Nova, Emma Del Rey

We have two sweet babies under four. I always thought we would have more. Lots and lots more. But life has been so hard these past four years, and I’m not sure there are going to be more littles. I’m grieving this turn of events too. Thank you for sharing, Ellie.

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Mar 20Liked by Ellie Nova, Emma Del Rey

PS here in Aus, matresence is used in speech all the time, especially where I live. The red dots need to wake up!

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Mar 20Liked by Ellie Nova, Emma Del Rey

Oh Ellie, I relate so so much to your sharing, the relationship changes, the ‘what’s wrong with me for finding it so hard?’ And the grief of much sense of disappointment and loss.

Thank you for this brave share, it’s comforting to hear, I hope it’s brought some relief to you to share these parts of your story. X

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Mar 26Liked by Ellie Nova, Emma Del Rey

All of this. ALL OF THIS. Thank you for articulating the difficulties and endurance needed for these incredibly intense WTF, why didn’t my own mother talk to me about how hard this would be, children at home all day ground hog days, lovers to pissy room mates just co-parents now WHO EVEN AM I, fuck you society and your patriarchal capitalist scripts that I didn’t realise I had completely devoured, aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…… Thank god we have this space to be honest and supportive and feel seen in our Matrescence 🙌🏼 xxxxxx

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Mar 21Liked by Ellie Nova, Emma Del Rey

Love the honesty of this Ellie. Thank you for sharing. I’m sure others will find comfort in your words as I did.

I think the relationship shift is something people only talk about if they divorce or separate and it’s much harder to be open about it otherwise. I agree the shift is seismic and I often wish we knew how to deal with it better rather than hope that “it gets easier” as they get older, which of course we know isn’t all that true.

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Mar 21Liked by Ellie Nova, Emma Del Rey

Such a raw vulnerable post. I love the spring analogy, gives me hope. Thank you for sharing Ellie.

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Mar 21Liked by Ellie Nova, Emma Del Rey

Oh Ellie you have no idea how grateful I am for you. For these words and for the endless love and support you have given me over the last few years. I feel so held and seen by you in your words always, but these just hit even deeper. So so so much of it I can feel in my bones. You are truly magnificent, and Emma you are too, I’m so grateful for you bringing this series to life. Xxx

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Mar 20Liked by Ellie Nova, Emma Del Rey

The grief of motherhood is so unspoken and not just in terms of the obvious things but also sometimes it feels like in loss of our voices

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Ellie, thank you for sharing so honestly. It honestly shocked me when I became a mum, how little value was given to mothers. If you’re (like me) a stay at home mum you’re freeloading and not pulling your weight and need to find a side hustle asap. Or if you’re a working mum then you don’t care enough. The general messages filter down through the top. Getting my husband to value motherhood has been the hardest journey for me and we are still not there and it has killed all romance.

I also had a child who rarely slept and I’ve gone through the last 4 years as a zombie and it impacts you in all aspects of your life. I’m glad the sleep is improving now. You are not alone in finding motherhood hard. X

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