This is such a brilliant and helpful post, thank you Emma! I am totally with you on the navigating of summer energy between movement/creativity/blooming and simply pausing. I feel as though a pause is what I have been seeking but have felt as though I should be blooming but I have realised that is not necessarily the case at all. And that even in summer, nothing blooms all of the time! I look forward to contemplating your prompts, thank you again xx

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Yes, nothing blooms all the time, not even in Summer! I love that, you are so welcome, I would love to hear how the prompts serve you.

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Summer has always been a time of rest for me, being born and raised in a land that is too hot for heavy activity. Now, I live in a world where everyone is busy busy busy! For 10 years, I simply abstained from summer the way they do it here in Québec, but now that I have a toddler, I am living closer to the land and the people.

I find myself swept into the summer chaos, trying to allow myself to find a natural rhythm without disconnecting entirely from the wild pace all around me. So far, I am busy beyond belief but still staying present. I really love your reminder to move toward pleasure. That is something I can look forward to in the midst of movement. I am feeling the pull toward rest and not sure how to allow it. Definitely something to explore!

I really needed this right now. Beautiful timing. Thank you.

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I have detested Summer...until this year..where we live because of how hot it is. And what I am realizing is that the heat is an invitation to slow down and rest. I am excited for you to explore this, please share anything you find, I would love to hear it. You are so welcome.

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It’s funny because when I lived where it was HOT, I naturally slowed down, but now that I’m in Canada, there is so much pressure to rush around. Trying to find MY pace in the midst of the rush has been a challenge!

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Yeah, I grew up in the North East, so Summer was more fast paced, now living in the South, its too hot to do anything and it is asking me to changes my ways! Similar to you, but in reverse!

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Yes, exactly the opposite! Glad to hear you’re getting the hang of it. This year is a first for me as well 😊

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I love this take on summer! It used to be my favorite season — then coming into adulthood it felt like it demanded too much? Slowly coming back to the sentiments you share in this post. Playtime — in the enjoyable kind of way 👏🏼🌞

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Yes! So much playtime, which looks different than when I was a kid and also the same. I love lying in the grass! Soon you’ll have your sweet baby with you to enjoy this energy with.

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I love love love your perspective with the mountain analogy - it is such a wonderful way to explain this energy - we have climbed the mountain out of the darkness of winter and we SHOULD take some time to enjoy the view. I have really been leaning into this probably for the first time since being a child - when of course so much of our rhythms come more naturally. These practices are beautiful, I will definitely take some time with them, especially the journaling prompts as they feel like they would be super powerful. Thank you so much for mentioning my piece, I am so grateful for our conversations about this, it has really helped me integrate it. xxx

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Our conversations have helped me integrate too! I feel exactly the same, like this is the first time I have touched into this energy since I was a child and I am loving it deeply. And yet it is such a permission slip, I have to grant myself. I would love to know how they support you when you use the practices!

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