I’ve never heard of this work before, but I’ve practiced a version of it for a long time. In trauma, I’ve felt that parts of myself are literally lost or dead. But slowly, I’ve come to realize they are here. If I’m quiet, I can hold them, and sometimes, they show themselves to me from new angles. Then, I get to carry that with me, toward wholeness. Thank you for sharing.

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This is beautiful, thank you for sharing. I find the versions of practice or healing we create or stumble upon with ourselves are the most potent.

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Emma, this is absolutely beautiful! You describe it so well and it completely makes sense.. to me anyway. It was exactly this - tending to my inner child - that led to me to finally turning a corner with my therapy, and at last giving myself the empathy and compassion that I needed. This has reminded me to do some more work in this area, as it absolutely life changing! Thank you 😊

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You are so welcome, I am glad to know this type of work helped you turn a corner in therapy, I personally felt the same way.

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Thank you for writing this tender piece Emma, it brought up quite a lot for me. I love the words you say to your son, it is something I always try to get across to my children even in the challenging moments. I am very lucky to have had a stable and loving childhood but have work to do around healing the ‘good girl’ stereotype and feeling comfortable to share my voice and opinions xx

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You are so welcome! It can be hard to convey sometimes when things are frustrating but I want him to know it is true, especially when things are hard.

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Apr 5Liked by Emma Del Rey

Just this week I have joined the ACA fellowship to begin (again!) the life-long process of tending to my inner children. Your article confirms the power of this work and the necessity for it in my life right now. Thank you 🙏

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Since you said again, I’m sure you know this, but I’ve only heard great and supportive things from those I know who join and participate. You’re welcome, thank you for listening to yourself! ❤️

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Such a profound reflection. Thank you for sharing. 🧡

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You are so welcome ❤️

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This was such an interesting read, Emma! I am currently working through some big things in therapy, too big to talk about online just yet. Part of the therapy, though, has been delving into my past to see how it shaped the person I have become today. When you asked how old we feel, my immediate thought was 15 and I find this so interesting because the number popped into my head without thinking and I can't explain why. Perhaps I need to do some work on this, paying attention to my inner, younger self and being curious about why my 15-year-old self came to mind. Thank you for sharing!

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Sit with that and I am always curious what comes up if you want to share. Yeah, those ages and parts I find fascinating, I am wondering what 15 year old you is trying to communicate. Sending you all the support and well wishes in healing, it is a process!

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