No, you are not giving too much credit to a home! Oh the stories! Oh the lives! Oh the moments! it held before you, will hold after you, and OF COURSE held you, and yours. This is beautiful. I wonder, if you could say one thing to this house, what would you say? What memory of it would you hang onto? I love this, Emma!

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Thank you for validating me and seeing me in this. Honestly, I would say thank you, with a lot of tears. I feel grateful for the way it held us all those years and through such massive transitions. I am not sure it is a memory I would hold on to as much as the feeling I had while there, I felt at home and I felt safe.

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Love this, Emma. Thank you for sharing. 💗

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Thank you for asking!

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YOU did that!

You are extraordinary Emma, you’ve built and nurtured and transformed so much.

I somehow always find myself on my yoga mat while listening to your audios.

This was so beautiful, your sadness is beautiful 💜

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Thank you, I am receiving this deeply and letting it land. Thank you 🙏

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I relate to this so much, Emma! Last year, my husband and I moved from the house we brought our daughter home to… the place she took her first steps. She was only 20 months when we moved and unable to really understand the transition, but she felt it as deeply as I did. We always knew we wouldn’t stay there, but I never realized how embedded a home could be in the bedrock of my heart until it held memories that could never be transposed. We love our new home and the transition was smooth, but the grief that I felt at leaving the place where I became a mother was a deeply felt season in my life. I will always look back on that house with fondness and a sweet grief over the transience of infancy and the transformations in myself that went along with that time.

Bravo to you for doing it slowly enough to feel it. I watch people rush through transitions like this and children struggle to make the leap. We had a grand family goodbye at the old house before we left, and while we never looked back… we will always cherish what that home was for us—a place of becoming. Every blessing to you, your family, and your little one in this time of great transition. Thank you for sharing your journey… I’m feeling mine all over again in the best ways.

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“I never realized how embedded a home could be in the bedrock of my heart until it held memories that could never be transposed.” Exactly, I didn’t know this was possible until we started making this move. I am glad we are moving slowly too, it didn’t feel right to rush through, my son does better with slower transitions in most things. Our home was a place of becoming too, thank you for your heartfelt comment. Did your daughter handle the transition with ease?

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She did really well with the transition. We talked to her about it a lot and made a big fuss about saying goodbye to her old room and the old house. Once we were in the new place, I focused on her room first, making sure her bed got set up and her special stuffies and our rocking chair were set up right away. She loved the moving truck and we let her play in and around it whenever we could, so it really felt like a special event. For the first few days I made a point to with all her routines to say “we do this HERE now” and within the week she was excited about the new place and had a tone of pride whenever she talked about it. In the end, I think I was more nervous about it than I needed to be, but it gave me the motivation to find small ways to make the transition smoother for her. All put together, it was a really special time. Best of luck to you!

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Gosh, that is so sweet! I have been doing my best to walk my son through it all and he woke up screaming in the middle of the night last night to go back to the other house. He's doing better today and he went down for a nap no problem, slowly but surely. Thank you.

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Moving is hard for everybody! I have a friend who's toddler son cried for about a week when they moved. Grieving and being afraid are just part of it. You guys will get there. Blessings for a gentle first week 💜

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Thank you <3

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