Closing a chapter and changing course
Moving my writing to another space and leaving this one open for the mothers.
I am closing the doors of Being in Motherhood.
Well, sort of. Let me explain.
For a long time, I have been dreaming of another space to write. One unattached to motherhood, a space where I can fully be myself, write about what I want to write about, and let my creativity roam free.
This was my intention with this space, but it had a mind of its own and I am so grateful it did. While Being in Motherhood had its own energy that took me for a ride, I am grateful I am (and will continue) to be its space-holder.
This space will remain open, but I will not be writing here. Well, I may write here sometimes - this space has a very specific energy to me and I have a few personal posts in mind I may share in time.
But for the most part, , my personal weekly-ish writing is going to live in a new publication called - Being With. It is going to be a more open exploration of what it means to be with what is right in front of me. For me that means navigating the waters of motherhood, later in life diagnosis of autism, and finding my way as a creative.
Being with what is here, in this moment, is what my writing usually comes back to. I long to accept what is right in front of me and not alter it.
I also want a space to share my longing for making things. I long to make things people will hold in their hands. I am working on an art journal for anyone going through a time of change. I am working on a poetry collection about love and grief. I started writing a fantasy series.
I have been allowing myself to create what feels good in the moment and I am facing. I am allowing myself to start things and let them be what they need to be. I am letting go of trying to be perfect and do things in a certain way. I am doing my best to commit myself to what feels good and needed in each moment.
I need a fresh start.
This may be something that only makes sense to me but to continue under the Being in Motherhood name or to even change the name and keep writing here does not feel right. I want this beautiful creation to live on even if I am not pouring into it with my own words.
The one thing I receive over and over again in my inbox is when can I submit my words to you. I decided to shift the submission process. You can submit your words whenever works for you. You can read all the details on this page.
Basically send me and email when you want to write, I will make sure I have space to edit it and it will be published here!
And since I will not be writing here, I am open to other people coming in and writing their own pieces around motherhood if that calls to them. I am leaving this space as it is so other mother’s can find the beautiful and honest words we have written together over this past year. I would love for other mothers to add upon that.
I am sad about this transition. I know I need to do this but it breaks my heart to do it. As much as was sacrificing myself in this space to give everyone else what I thought they wanted, I still loved doing it. I wanted to do this forever. But I could not keep abandoning myself to do so.
I wanted to be the space holder of mothers forever, I had so many ideas and plans. But I am learning just because I have ideas around something does not mean it is the thing I need to dedicate my life to. I am learning I need a space to be all of myself and to show up in a new way every week or whenever I have the space to show up.
I hope you will join me in this new chapter. I decided to not import this list to the new space because it did not feel right. If you want to continue you with me on this journey, I want it to entirely be your choice.
I am not sure what else to write, except thank you.
Thank you to everyone who has shared their words in this space. Thank you to everyone who has read or shared Being in Motherhood. As much as I need this change, I love this space with a big piece of my heart. It means everything that you have all journeyed with me to make this space what is has become.
I am excited to see what the next year in this space brings, I invite you to share this post with other mothers who may want to share their words. I invite you to start thinking about what you would want to write for this space. The doors are open.
I have a few more collaborations in the works for this space that I am excited to share with you. Until then, you can find me at Being With. I hope you’ll join me on that journey too.
(If you became a paid subscriber for the year, I will shortly be refunding you your money - keep your eyes peeled for that.)
Thank you.
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I will follow your writing wherever it takes you!!!
Emma, you've created such a wonderful space for mums here and I've enjoying reading all of the posts on here. I think it's a really courageous thing you've done here, writing this post and showing that it's OK to let something go when it doesn't feel good to you. I look forward to following your journey over on your new Substack 💛