Ahhh Emma I feel you so deeply on this. The desire to have connection and community and yet also some parts of that feels so vulnerable... too vulnerable at times. I have to say I have only truly found that 'bone deep nervous system healing connection' through sitting in Circle with others, and actually from a lot of the spaces I have actively created myself. That might sound a little controlling but it has been these spaces where I have felt safe enough to be myself fully, and in doing that my confidence has grown. I think we have to do it gently, but also I think that we have to stretch a little in order to meet that part of us... it is tender for sure but YOU ARE DOING IT!!!! Love to you, and thank you for mentioning the way I greet my readers, it was really soothing to have that reflected to me as I like to think of my pieces as little invitations for connection. Grateful for you and your words always. xxxx

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You are so welcome, thank you for the inspiration. Your greeting always feels like a welcoming in. I’ve been thinking about holding circles here, to meet others and to be in that sacred spaced, especially for mothers, it seems everything is with a goal in mind and I want to hold space for people to be seen and heard. It is vulnerable, and I am doing. I am grateful I am stretching, and it feels uncomfortable!

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So much of this sounds like my inside narrative. The parts that want to just island off because engaging with outside world feels riskier. As Lauren said, you are doing it. You’re feeding that part that needs connection. Slowly and surely. And I personally think that is how it has to be done. If we take it all on at once, it’s too overwhelming to the parts that are scared to come out of the cocoon.

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I often joke about desiring to live inside a mountain. What you are reminding me of is baby steps, to move slowly, and trust in ease fully emerging out of the cocoon.

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I can relate to so much of this desire for community and connection and the challenges of feeling alone in a group, not knowing how or what to say. Finding and strengthening community is something that feels so important to me and is often so tenuous but worthwhile.

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It definitely feels like effort a lot of the time, but in the right spaces, it lifts me up and I feel more connected.

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Seeking and craving in real-life connection and community here too. It feels like it should be easy to find but it isn't always. I love how you express your loneliness here I feel it in my bones. Wishing you well on your quest. x

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Creating community is something that comes easily to me now but when I was younger I was terribly shy. I have met moms through the Peanut App, through my husband’s friends, a new momma support circle, free mom walk group, a local prenatal yoga center, prenatal classes, and through baby classes such as swimming and music. I am also starting some of my own free walks in my community. I hope you find your community soon!

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