I relate to so much of this! It’s so hard to differentiate between fleeting intrusive thoughts and overwhelming anxiety sometimes, too. You’ve reflected on this in a way that I’m sure feels universal to many of us. The world is scary — but we are not! Your son is so lucky to have you 💖

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Thank you for reading! And thank you for your kind words! It can feel utterly overwhelming, I do find the more I lean into the joy and love that life and motherhood bring, the more I think it will all shake out alright.

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Jul 15Liked by Emma Del Rey

I haven’t checked my email in awhile and when I saw the title of this one I HAD to read it at 1030 pm hahaha. Once again you have been able to Flawlessly convey how SO many of us feel with the most beautiful , relatable words. I feel this entire article so much in my soul and relate to every sentence . I love your family so much and I know you’re raising him kind ! When I feal anxious or worried I try and think about how they would respond to something, they are so kind hearted , understanding , patient and loving ! the other day I burned this big pan of cookies and I felt awful because they were so excited . My negative feelings about the cookies immediately sank in and I was ready to throw them in the garbage, both of my sweet kids told me it was ok that they aren’t perfect and told me to try them because they are still yummy ! And they will eat them . they ate the whole pan of these cookies I deemed trash. haha I want to teach them how to be more prepared for the negative aspects of life but I also think in allot of ways , they have been teaching me .

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I have been meaning to text you, then life happens, and then I remember and it is a never ending cycle. Thank you. I find thinking about how my kid will seeing something or respond to it helps me release a good bit of fear. That is so sweet they ate all those cookies. Yeah, they are definitely our teachers.

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Right there with you Emma! I worry about SO much about the state of the modern world, and the impact of things on my son. Coming back to the breath is a great tool - thank you for the reminder. I use Byron Katie’s The Work sometimes to examine whether certain beliefs I have are really true. And bringing in self compassion, too, always helps. Acknowledging what’s here - thoughts and feelings - and acknowledging that it’s hard to think that, or hard to feel that. I really appreciate you sharing this as sometimes I feel like I am in anguish about so much!

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I feel the same way too sometimes, and I also sometimes finding myself feeling the world is beautiful and healing is happening all around me. It really depends on what I am taking in on a day to day basis. I need to check out Byron Katie, their name has come up before.

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When you wrote about the fear of death as a child I felt so seen. I’ve been unpicking a lot of this recently as it’s surfaced for me again after being able to kind of ‘ignore’ it for decades. But motherhood brings this stuff right into our faces doesn’t it? So here I am trying to work with it once more. Your reminders of what we can do are beautiful. Thank you for sharing this all. Xxx

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Motherhood brings it all right to our faces. All we can do is work with and be with whatever comes up. You are so welcome, thank you for reading.

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