
Thank you for sharing my words Emma. 🙌🏻❤️

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Mar 27Liked by Kylie-Ann, Emma Del Rey

Ooof to the part about kids being boring - it's one of those truths that kinda sounds like nails on a chalkboard because it's so hard to say aloud. Thank you for sharing. I totally agree - right now I am fortunate to have regular childcare but extended time with my kiddo and lack of creative time absolutely leaves me feeling restless.

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Mar 27Liked by Kylie-Ann, Emma Del Rey

"....often I feel invisible in a society, which doesn't value the contribution I am making by raising my sons, but I have not disappeared."

Kylie-Ann this is so relatable. Isn't it a crying shame that so many of us feel this way? Yet, we know we're doing the most important work there is. When we're knee deep in the trenches, without a moment to breathe, we are doing the work that contributes to shaping the next generations and more beyond that. It's a huge responsibility and so undervalued.

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Mar 31Liked by Kylie-Ann, Emma Del Rey

Another refreshingly honest account of how motherhood can be... thank you Kylie-Ann 👍 I’m totally with you on the “pretend play” bollocks! Never liked it, never will.. what a waste of my f*cking time! 🤣🤣 We can’t be good at everything, and it’s ok to admit we don’t enjoy some things. Talking/connecting with other mums is the best remedy ❤️

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Mar 27Liked by Kylie-Ann, Emma Del Rey

It’s maddening in a way that beautiful growth and self-discovery come about in such challenging situations and environments. Necessary, but maddening all the same. Thanks for sharing!

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Mar 27Liked by Kylie-Ann, Emma Del Rey

For so long, I felt I wanted to be a mother of many, but I didn’t really know what I want. Didn’t know, until I had kids, that I wanted to be a person too. Have a career, or at least an outlet (mine is Substack too!) to plug into the rest of the world. Thank you for sharing these hard things.

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Mar 27Liked by Kylie-Ann

Thank you for sharing 🙏🏻🫶

You analogy / description of the football pitch and the emotional exhaustion of refereeing really sings to me. I have twin boys who are 7... it's still hard ... I still feel that I'm in the trench's but with some more glimpses of sunlight. I have to say to myself it's ok that it's hard ...because that is the reality and to fight that with "why is it so hard?" is not helpful to me and leaves me feeling deficient in some way, like I've missed the memo! gradually and slowly (with a lot of back and forth) I surrender and accept "its just hard!"

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I relate to your words so much Kylie - from the boredom, to the feeling like a referee and feeling invisible. Totally agree that sharing our experiences and motherhood helps too. Thank you for your honesty as always x

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